linking online with physical world
our goal was to celebrate the moment of growth in our studios.
we wanted to create a campaign where we would connect the different media we work with
we wanted it to be playful.
we designed and created an application to create your own personalised wrapping paper book.
1 ONLINE: an application to play
check for the whole app.
some of the drawings submitted:
2 PRODUCT: personalized book
the compositions made in the website were printed by us and given back to their authors as a gift
— an unique personalized book of growing-textures.
3 EVENT: all comes together in the launch
the book was handed over to all participating guests on our annual event in the studio.
where a.o restaurant Dara made green dotted food, Jochem van Tol created growing sounds and Pablo In Motion filled the envrionment with the dots.

concept & design: nouch
coding — javascript & php: pablo in motion + bor smulders (nouch)